May 5, 2008

Jan Costa del Sol

Jan is a great friend to cruisers and the local people who live on a small island in the Estuary, near Herradur. She offers trips to town to help cruisers provision and hosts a chicken barbecue every Wednesday. Her students like to practice their English on the cruisers. The students hope to secure good paying jobs because they can speak English.
She currently teaches these children and a few adults from the Navy English classes on her property.
This is a picture of her school and students. The other picture her giving locals a ride back home from a day of shopping. When she offered one of the students of her school a ride the whole family joined. It was pretty hilarious getting all the stuff in the truck.
We all jammed in and laughed all the way home to the estuary which was about a 45
minute drive. Jan arrived in Costa del Sol over 12 years ago in Quantum Leap a 72 foot Oceanis sloop. She fell in love with the place and decided to call El Salvador Home.

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